Are you bold or minimalist?
Bold Minimalist

At UN-LIKE we believe that lighting and illumination provide an opportunity to create emotions and transform spaces. Whether it’s an indoor or outdoor environment, a residential project, a commercial space, or a public area, the right lighting can make all the difference. With a little bit of creativity and a tad bit of technical expertise, the use of light and illumination can be reformed into captivating pieces of art.



With that in mind, we specialize in custom-made lighting designs, bespoke lighting installations, and illuminated furniture that are both intriguing and one-of-a-kind. Collaborating with talented architects, designers, and artists, we seek to bring distinctive lighting visions to life, tailored to meet the specific needs of your space.



In our work, we strive for a fearless exploration of materials, forms, and the use of innovative approaches to lighting design. We hope to bring an experience that goes beyond just illumination. That’s why we offer flexible and personalized solutions tailored to your preferences. Whether you desire a statement lighting piece or a refined addition, our creations effortlessly blend artistry with functionality. Each piece aims to be a unique work of art, designed to stand out: UN-LIKE anything else.




UN-LIKE is the brainchild of an Estonian industrial designer Margus Triibmann’s daughter, Triinu, and her partner, Diederik. Margus Triibmann was a visionary who left an indelible mark on the world of Estonian design.


In 2009, Margus founded an industrial design company Keha3 with the mission of not only improving the world but also infusing it with greater fascination through innovative design elements. However, Margus was not just a designer; he was a mentor, an enigma of inspiration, and a guiding beacon for those fortunate enough to share his journey. It is on his shoulders that the foundation of UN-LIKE stands. He surrounds us, influencing every aspect of our work, whether consciously or subconsciously. We aspire to carry on his legacy, adding our unique vision and approach, weaving into the remarkable fabric of his work and imagination.


UN-LIKE has been brought to life to pay homage to Margus Triibmann’s legacy by translating life’s experiences, both triumphant and challenging, into practical, meaningful, and purposeful designs. Margus’s memory lives on in our work, inspiring us to dream bigger and create more exceptional designs as we forge our path in the realm of design.




Lighting design holds a deeply personal significance in my life, a journey that began with my father. He was the visionary behind Keha3, an industrial product and lighting design company that he passionately led. My own involvement with this craft started around when I was 15, when I began working alongside him. He always asked for feedback on whatever he created and I did my best to provide it to him. I thought he had a brilliant mind. He seemed to come up with all his ideas so effortlessly. Even after his passing in 2018, I continued to run his company, immersing myself in his world of creativity, both at work and in our home.


What fascinates me is the paradox of the mundane; its complexity and simplicity, the under-and overwhelm of the ordinary that can present itself simultaneously. I strongly carry the design philosophy and beliefs that my father had: be different or die! As he did, I strive to find inspiration from the surroundings, from the everyday. Then elevate those findings and translate them into products that evoke curiosity and make people react.


It’s quite common for interior luminaires to not only provide illumination but also serve as standalone art pieces. However, when it comes to outdoors and public spaces, there aren’t many light fixtures that are design-focused and playful while also meeting the necessary technological requirements and regulations. At UN-LIKE we try to bring this adventurous approach that is applied in interior luminaires also to outdoor illumination.


One of my favourite quotes is “Eventually, everything connects – people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se” – Charles Eames.

Triinu Triibmann




As far back as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with the meticulous arrangement of elements, ensuring they’re just right and in perfect order. What truly captivates me is the interplay between symmetry and apparent randomness. It’s about finding that ideal balance, that precise ratio of spacing and alignment in any design or object.


A remarkable design, in my eyes, possesses an innate quality – it simply looks and feels right. There’s an undeniable power in its unassuming simplicity, that instant of recognition when you think, “Ah, that looks good!” Such designs possess a timeless quality, seemingly untouched by the passage of years.


Our vision is to expand people’s perception of what a luminaire can be. What fuels us, is the thrilling unpredictability of our creative process. Inspiration can strike from anywhere or anything, and that makes our work an ever-evolving journey.


If I were to choose a favourite design quote, it would undoubtedly be “Très simple et très compliqué,” which translates to “Very simple is very complicated.”

Diederik Willem Kales




I am fascinated by how public space projects can express the character of a place and its community. At UN-LIKE, we are good at finding these defining elements and incorporating them into functional products that resonate with the surroundings.


As an engineer, I am driven by a desire to create solutions that meet design goals free of excess. Inspired by nature’s purposeful and efficient designs, I believe in crafting solutions that embody elegance as well as efficiency. There are valuable lessons for us as engineers and designers in the millions of years of evolution that have shaped our natural world.


With a background in product development (BA) and production management (MA), coupled with over a decade of experience in the lighting industry, my professional journey has been quite diverse. I’ve navigated through structured environments of large corporations, as well as the more fluid, creatively charged realms of working alongside artists.


I believe in the power of teamwork and am committed to integrating different perspectives into my problem-solving process. I am always eager to explore new methods and technologies to ensure that we keep the most important goal at the forefront.


“The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing.” – Donald P. Coduto

Sander Vislapuu




Hi, I’m Jarmo, Chief Executive Officer here at UN-LIKE. With over a decade immersed in various aspects of the lighting industry, I’ve gathered a wealth of experience that I’m excited to bring to our team.


My fascination with design is that it all stems from my deep interest in people. There’s something about understanding human nature that drives my passion for being involved with creating designs that truly connect with individuals.


At UN-LIKE, we’re not just about following the status quo; we’re about forging our path. I believe that time itself shapes and evolves our understanding. By combining design, light, and technology, we’re breaking new ground and creating our understanding of what’s possible.


Outside of work, you’ll often find me burning the midnight oil with after-hours emails. I’m a firm believer in continuous improvement, and my life motto, “Everything is possible,” reflects that belief in the power of determination and innovation.

Jarmo Võsa




I’m Mihkel, a Danish-Estonian lighting designer, lecturer, and visual artist based in Copenhagen. I run a lighting design studio called BLIQ STUDIO and collaborate with UN-LIKE. My journey into design began with a fascination for visual arts, particularly still-life photography, where I first explored the interplay of light and shadow.


Over time, this passion evolved into a career in lighting design, where I enjoy the challenge of turning ideas into reality, crafting designs that are both functional and visually compelling. I thrive in interdisciplinary collaborations, partnering with city planners, engineers, and architects to enhance built environments.


With more than seven years of experience and an MSc in Lighting Design from Aalborg University Copenhagen, I have overseen numerous projects, organized light symposiums, and contributed to various committees. My expertise spans urban light planning and the creation of sensory light artworks.


My strength lies in merging science with design, integrating data into projects with a clear vision. Proficient in daylighting and electric lighting, I specialize in creating transformative, integrated light spaces.


My motto, “Make it matter,” underscores my dedication to purposeful and impactful design, ensuring each project enhances functionality or creates memorable experiences.